Mar 2023

What is a Subdivision Certifier?

(and how we differ from Building Certifiers)

When it comes to property development, there are many professionals involved in the process, including architects, engineers, builders, and certifiers. One type of certifier that you may encounter during the subdivision process is a subdivision certifier. In this article, we'll explain what a subdivision certifier is and how they differ from building certifiers.

What is a Subdivision Certifier and what do we do?

A subdivision certifier is a Registered Certifier who is responsible for certifying that the design of the subdivision or the works involved in the subdivision have been carried out in accordance with the relevant development consent, policy/act/regulations and standards. This involves conducting inspections, reviewing plans and specifications, and issuing Subdivision Works Certificates and/or Subdivision Certificates to confirm that the subdivision is complete and ready for registration.

Subdivision certifiers may also provide advice and assistance to property owners and developers throughout the subdivision process, such as helping to prepare development applications, subdivision certificate applications and liaising with other professionals involved in the project.

How is a Subdivision Certifier different from a Building Certifier?

While subdivision certifiers and building certifiers may share some similarities in terms of their roles and responsibilities, there are also some key differences between the two professions.

Building certifiers are responsible for ensuring that buildings are constructed in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and standards. This involves assessing plans and specifications, conducting inspections during construction, and issuing occupation certificates once the building is complete and ready for use.

Subdivision certifiers, on the other hand, focus specifically on the subdivision works (Roads, Drainage, earthworks) and the subdivision process, and are responsible for ensuring that the subdivision works and land is divided into separate lots in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. They do not oversee the construction of buildings themselves, although they may work closely with building certifiers and other professionals involved in the project.

Another key difference between subdivision certifiers and building certifiers is the types of certifications they issue. Subdivision certifiers issue subdivision works certificates and subdivision certificates, which confirm that the civil works design and construction have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and is ready for registration. Building certifiers, on the other hand, issue construction certificates and occupation certificates, which confirm that a building is safe and suitable for occupation.

If you're planning a development that includes subdivision, it's important to get the right people on your team. The team at Landcert are experienced Subdivision Certifiers with extensive knowledge of the Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code as well as greenfield subdivision.

Contact Landcert at to find out how we can assist you on your current or next project.

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